Voices of Recovery

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Jessica’s Story

I am the survivor of a suicide attempt. I am also a successful lawyer. For years I struggled to reconcile these parts of myself. I hesitated to go to law school, wondering if everyone else was confident and assured, doubting I could thrive in the profession. Fortunately, I've learned I can. We all contain multitudes. Lawyers can be vulnerable, anxious, sensitive, and still do well. I certainly have. I've learned how to fight for my clients, for a better world, and most of all for myself. LAP has given me a community in which I can be genuine, in which I can support others and be supported. Indeed, LAP is one of my most valuable professional circles and resources. If you're struggling, reach out. We are here for you. --Jessica

LAP volunteers share their experience, strength and hope in these stories of recovery.

You are not alone. If you find yourself struggling with any concerns, whether similar to these stories or different, please contact us at lap@dcbar.org or 202.347.3131 for free, confidential assistance.

If you have a story that you want to share anonymously, please contact lap@dcbar.org.

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